Goog_e Crop Circle - 15 Sep

Posted by mykupang ;)= | 5:12 PM

Goog_e Crop Circle

This logo appears at today.
For some strange reasons, the title for this logo is "Goog_e Crop Circle". Who steal Google's "L" now??? Last time around their "O" got stolen!!! See Unexplained Phenomenon - 5 Sept

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Crop circles are patterns created by the flattening of crops such as wheat, barley, rye, or corn. They are sometimes referred to as corn circles.
There is scant evidence that crop circles are anything but man-made hoaxes. Nevertheless various alternative hypotheses have been offered to explain the formation of crop circles such as the paranormal. It has also been suggested that ball lightning and vortices in the wind might rarely produce isolated indentations in crops.

The term crop circle was first used by paranormal researcher Colin Andrew[citation needed] to describe simple circles he was researching. While patterns involving complex geometries have been observed, the term circle has stuck as a generic term for crop patterns.

Bower and Chorley claimed to have started the crop circle phenomenon in 1978 and were awarded an Ig Nobel Prize in 1992 for their crop circle hoaxing.

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